Thursday, April 18, 2013

Obama's Grand Betrayal Reveals a Plutocrat in Chief


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Even though I voted for, respect and love (as a person) Barak Obama, I am truly mortified by several of his actions and/or in-actions during his presidency.

    First, it was the continuation and even increasing of the drones to Pakhistan relentlessly until Hagan, his man, got called out for what has been going on even before he took his place in office.

    Then second, he has not moved forward on Guantanamo Bay closing as he promised; although it is more the fault of Congress then his. Yet he is still "laying low" about it -- not campaigning for it as he has done with t he Gun legislation, etc.

    And third in a long list of unnamed grievances, he has presented Social Security up for sacrifice. Even though I really hope he has chosen the less intrusive of two evils, it is evil nonetheless. In fact it is nearly anathema for anyone in the highest office of this land to even consider placing such restrictions on Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. But he has placed them on the chopping block to appease the devilish souls of the Repugnicans or rather the Repugnican'ts..

    My only hope is that with a possible shift in the Senate and House in favor of the Democrats in 2014, that some revision can be made to counteract this fiasco.
