Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Alone, but not Alone


Of course as human beings we desire to experience the comfort of another human's touch. Through no choice of our own that may not always be the case.  I am here to encourage you though, that we can be alone, yet not lonely or alone.  The Lord said, He will never leave us or forsake us.  I am living testimony that He won't.

There are things in my life's many experiences that have caused me hurt, pain, tears and sorrow. However I choose not to inhabit and dwell in those depressed places.  Rather, I have come to understand that He is my hope, joy and my gladness.  My joy goes well beyond my head knowledge.  This joy is eternal and it fills my inner man, and it makes alive my heart.  Like any one else in this world, I have gotten my feelings hurt, I've been rejected and disappointed.  Instead of meditating on these things, what I do is, I remember that He is God and that He loves me.  God always brings me out or those places with a mighty hand. Sometimes I have had to encourage myself; sometimes He sends a sermon from my pastor or another preacher, so often it just takes my daughter's smile or a girlfriend's call, or perhaps an encouraging Word from a special facebook friend. No matter how I'm delivered from my personal storm, one thing that I can be sure of, and that is that I'm always delivered.  You see I too am alone, yet I am not lonely and I am not really alone because God is with me.

Marvin Winan does a nice job expressing my sentiments in his song:  "Alone, but not Alone.
