Saturday, May 11, 2024

We have digressed as a nation

                We have digressed as a nation Barry Jenkins 

We have digressed as a nation. Once upon a time we had our differences, yet, for the most part, at the end of the day we took comfort in knowing we were a “Democratic Republic.” Our rights are codified and protected by a system of “checks and Balances.” Imperfect as it may be, we have hope. Today, 74 percent of the Republican Party thinks it’s O.K. For tRump to be a dictator “just for a day.” No dictator surrenders power once they get it. Trump wants to fire federal employees and replace them with people who are more loyal to him than to the country. He wants to do away with the FBI and take full control of the Justice Department, including firing any Attorney General (or any jurist) who doesn’t do what he says. He wants to give police, “Absolute Immunity.” Does this scare anyone? He will dismantle our educational system and go after journalists who are not favorable to him. Essentially, eliminated all systems of checks and balances, giving himself authoritarian rule, with all immunity. How can anyone not see the Nazi playbook verbatim? And - Trump is a court-proven fraudster, the serial sexual abuser (molester and rapist), who had over two thousand cases before his ever running for president, who paid to create fake news stories on his rivals and squash news that exposed him. How is it possible that 74% of Republicans are OK with him being a dictator for even one second? How can anybody be OK with this?