This is an exciting speech by a fearless contender for the Massachusetts Senate. She "gets it" about how Wall Street has caused the downfall of this country and needs to be regulated. That's why they are fighting to keep her from being a new law-maker in this country. She has President Obama's back and she deserves to be listened to and voted into office. She is courageous to admit that the US system "is rigged", which we all know but cannot prove. She is one of few who we can count on to fight for citizen rights in this great country of ours. She needs to be supported, and if she wins, all America wins. Mostly I admire her guts to bring forth the Christian principle of the Lord telling us "what you do to the least of these, my brethren, you do it unto Me." That is what should guide the conscience of America, and she brought it to the forefront. Thank you Elizabeth Warren. May you achieve your goals.
It Is Well With My Soul - The Most BEAUTIFUL hymn of God's Love and very
meaningful at this time.
At this time in America, there are many reasons to despair and be fearful.
This world is being turned upside down and evil is all around. At this time
we m...
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