Friday, May 30, 2008

Obama - The Power of One!

The fact is, we like Barack. Personally I wouldn’t care if he was green, had stripes or that he might be lousy at table tennis. I suppose that last bit is possible! None of this matters. People feel close to Obama. They can see he likes people and genuinely cares for them. He touches us through his natural humanity and in the midst of the political crossfire, we admire his strength, resolve, integrity and even politeness. It’s a rare thing we witness.

The Power of One!

1 comment:

  1. Commenting on:
    Secret Report -Biofuel Caused Food Crisis - Internal World Bank study delivers blow to plant energy drive.
    Aditya Chakrabortty The Guardian, July 4, 2008

    It is hard to believe there is any validity to this concept. First of all, what evidence do any of us have that ethanol is being used widely anywhere in the world except for experimentation. It is certainly not available at gas stations across the country nor anywhere else to my knowledge. How then could there be any negative drastic effect that this article appears to presume there is. In addition, ethanol should be the way that the industry should be heading -- with that being prevalent as well as inexpensive.

    In my opinion, articles like these are probably a plant by the oil industry in a way to attempt to dissuade the public from clammoring for biofuels as a legitimate alternative to todays' high prices of gas. My advice is DON'T LISTEN TO 'EM! STICK TO YOUR GUNS! ADVOCATE AND INSIST UPON THE GOVERNMENT PROMOTION OF BIOFUELS as a salve for the common man's economic condition.
