Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Michael Moore Speaks With Roseanne Barr on HLN, Part 1 -- March 29th, 2011

Would anyone ever have believed that Roseanne Barr would have something intelligent to say that is political in this country? Here she sits in for Joy Behair and speaks with no less than Michael Moore and makes good sense! Their scrutiny of President Obama is something to consider with a rational mind. It could help prevent the abject disgust that is rising in opinion of the POTUS. Heaven help us!

1 comment:

  1. It should be said that Obama did not start the Iraq, it was Bush and the Republicans.

    In 1989 I was given a physical by the US Army and it had a bad outcome, but the results were classified. Not just mine but the entire unit. The order had been given that everyone will go. In 1990 before Thanksgiving we were activated.

    We spent three months in Saudi Arabia during Desert Storm. We spend about 6 months active but it took a while to deploy us. Not everyone went; The very obese people could not go because they could not get into their MOPP suits. During the meeting to decide who was going I spoke up against taking those soldiers because under battlefield conditions these people had a high probability of becoming patients. As it turned out we had strokes, arrythmias, allergies, these people had to go home. We had burns. This was long before a shot was fired.

    They forgot our food! We were on a diet of Rice a Roni. The little tubs were warmed up in water. Along with this we had a coke, and a bag of skittles. This is three times a day for a month. This diet caused hypercalcimia, and it was this that caused the arrythmias and high blood pressure that caused stroke.

    The excess calcium in the body precipitated, when the pH was restored, it precipitated in the eyes and in some cases had to be surgically removed. It precipitated in the kidneys, giving us kidney stones, It precipitated in the prostate, and it weaken our bones.

    This diet was followed by a diet of C rations, for another month. On the third month we started getting cooked meals.

    Then came the guinea pig treatment, we were given an experimental anthrax vaccine and told that it was classified. Before we left we were given every shot they could find.

    So our generals and our doctors betrayed us. No not one weapon of mass destruction was found. Vice President Chaney got very rich.

    PTSD is a strange and difficult psychiatric disorder. I know that many troops make up symptoms, to qualify for VA benefits. I was in Viet Nam, 14 mos, I was in Saudi Arabia, 3 mos, I was in the Bavarian Alps 2 years and in Honduras 3 weeks.

    It is true that their is a period of adjustment when you return from a combat zone and that some soldiers never quite manage to reconnect with their families and society.

    It is also true that many of the Psychiatrist dont have a clue about soldiers in combat. They think that PTSD is the results of time in the combat zone .... so a soldier cannot claim PTSD for one incident.

    It is interesting to me that many of the shrinks have never served in the military, they have never been in a war zone. The only way to fix this problem would be to send them to the front line. A few months in Afghanistan out with the troops recording, observing and sharing the battle with them, might qualify them as real shrinks.

    These arm chair shrinks, VA employees, are young and getting booty calls during interviews. They dont come in early or stay late ....they are 9 to 5 secretaries and they are late coming back from lunch.

    They dont believe that you are members of the 44th Evac Hospital and that you get shot at. They have no concept of what it is to hit the dirt to hide from an incoming rocket. They dont see fear in peoples eyes son profound that they are willing to get pregnant by anybody, mearly so they can avoid their duty in a combat zone ....they still have to go home and face the husband.

    WWII only took 4 years, maybe we should use this as a standard. 10 years in Iraq fighting cavemen .... this is unacceptable, fire the generals, the president, the congress .... the whole bunch.
